Barcode verification
Good barcodes make good systems possible. If your customers are relying on you to deliver, you need to make sure that your barcodes meet industry standards.
We provide powerful vision systems for the identification, decoding and grading of 1D and 2D codes as well as character strings for full production line traceability.

Our 2D code reading systems offer robust decoding and grading of all data matrix codes; maxi code; micro PDF417; PDF 417; and QR Codes. 1D code reading includes BC412; codabar, Code 128; Code 39; Code 93; Composite Code; EAN 8; EAN 13; Interleaved 2/5; Pharmacode; Planet, Postnet; UPC-A; and UPC-E.
Verification is the process that ensures the end-to-end success of the system. The right barcode must be on the product, the print quality of the barcode must meet the standard, and your trading partner must have correct database information about your barcode number. Need expert help specifying your vision system requirements? Please contact BarcodeAmerica by filling in the form below